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Thursday 8 May 2014

A Bit Of Art

I have been busy working and gardening and only making small progress on quilts this week. I shot a few photos of some of my other work to share.

For a long time I was really into needle felting. Another fun way to work with wool, which is such a versatile and amazing material.

I made this little scene for an art show last winter, themed "Little Houses".

This big felted bag cried out for decoration so I felted a scene from my own life.

I still have a few paintings kicking around from when I used to paint with oils and acrylic. Most of the better ones I gave away as gifts. The rest, I'm not sure if I like them. I don't want to hang them up in my house but I also don't want to throw them out.

Maybe I'll hang one up in the outhouse :)

This one was always my favorite.

I have a nice little collection of paints and maybe someday (retirement?) I will pick it up again. Painting is something I enjoy but I've never stuck with it enough to be great at it.

I pressed some violas in a homesteading book. I hope they turn out and I can use them to make cards.

This guy continues to be my joy and has discovered the game of "Hide and Seek".

I love to hear him counting, even if he is peeking a little!

You mean I'm not supposed to peek?
Little Red Hen is looking for a hiding spot.
I'm downsizing the herd and moving 3 goats this weekend - two billies and a milking mama, Nemo. They are going to a new home on the island. I'm even considering boarding out my other two milkers for a little break from the daily commitment. I love my goats and milking them is one of the best moments of my day, quiet, meditative, fruitful. However between all of my obligations and other commitments I would welcome a reprieve. I could actually sleep in on my days off! I am lucky to have other friends with milking goats who would welcome a bit of extra milk for a while.

Last night I slept outside with a warm breeze and frogsong. It was lovely.

The time keeps trucking along, the trees bursting into flower, berries forming.
Wishing you a deep breath of fresh air.


  1. Your little boy is very cute! Loving the needle felting as well, wool is amazing stuff.

  2. Yeah for a break on the milking thing, I know how that is. Great felting projects and so cute is a little boy playing hide and seek!



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