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Monday 10 February 2014

Photos: Cabin Fever

Following a mild and gentle January, February is now bitterly cold!

I felt sorry for my dear goaties out in the cold and I made up some "goat coats" out of some old blankets.

I'm sure that wearing a coat helps a goat stay warm, but the outfits didn't stay on long. It is hard to tell whether or not the goats enjoy wearing them. I'm sure I could improve upon my design and maybe the goats would get used to them over time.

Meanwhile we are all hanging out inside and playing with the chickens, who are still living in a box near the wood stove. They are now just over three weeks old and are starting to change colors. 

The Barred Rocks are getting some white flecks in their feathers, the two yellow chicks are turning white, and the brown Australorp is beautiful - David named that one "Owl".

The chicks are also starting to fly the coop! About half of them are big and adventurous enough to fly up to the edge of the box, and sometimes onto the tile floor where the dog follows behind them and licks up their droppings.


Yes, we have been putting the chicks onto the dog. 

Observe: the cheap thrills of multiple species pet ownership. 

Poor Stu doesn't seem to enjoy it but the birds love it! They nestle into his fur and enjoy the warmth, I'm sure.

This month's yoga challenge put on by Kino YogaBeach Yoga Girl, and Laura Sykora has been so great. I have been trying to be content with where I am at in my practice instead of pushing myself beyond my limits of strength and balance. My goals are long-term and if I don't want to hurt myself, I have to get there slowly.

Can you tell I am doing yoga in a onesie? There is cabin fever for you, people. Wearing a onesie, dressing the goats, and putting chickens on the dog. Because we live off the grid, there has also been a lot of firewood chopping and stoking the fire, and a few hot saunas to take away the chill.

I hope the wild lambs are faring well during all of this snow and slush.

I have not forgotten my promise to update on the quilting that is happening in between all of this stir craziness. A photo shoot is scheduled following the snow melt. I have been trying to get as much sewing done as possible before the garden needs planting and the goats start having their babies.

Thanks for checking in!

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